Sunday, September 22, 2013

Terra's Thoughts #-2

Im getting tired of the internet not working, I’ll be so glad when we get a new computer tower. Anyway I cant wait until dinner, Its gonna be so good. I cant wait until Tuesday when hopefully we have Subway for dinner. I also cant wait until next Thursday when I’ll have money again, Hopefully Thursday will come soon.  I need to clean my room tonight and I need to clean the bathroom again, I cant wait until my birthday comes. I also cant wait until we get a new printer, Those are two things I want for Christmas, A new computer tower and a new printer. Dane cook is freaking funny as hell. I love him, He is one of my favorite comedian’s. I wonder what’s going on with Scott I’ll have to talk to him later on and find out what’s going on with him. Well I think dinner is going to be done soon so Im gonna sign off right now but I’ll post more when I think of something else to say,